Monday, October 29, 2007

November 2007

updated October 28th, 2007 at 8:39am

Before we know it, there will be snow on the ground. I'm not looking forward to the snow, but the cold weather is actually welcome around here. Time to slow down and recuperate here at home,
grow the kids and stay healthy.

Check out the recent updates, new pictures, and Christmas lists below.

Pictures of the kids

Click here for New Pictures

october share
Make sure you click "Download this photo" or right-click, save as
if you want to save any of them for yourself.

I didn't take a lot of pictures of Marlee's birthday, so if you have some please share them. Thanks.

Videos from Marlee's tumbling show:
Backwards balance beam
Balance Beam
Jump somersault roll
Jump and Wave
Kick Over

Kiddo news:

Nickis 7.5 months old and still suffering the affects of a URI (a glorified cold at this point). It's viral so there's nothing we can do but wait for him to feel better. Last night I used saline drops and a bulb syringe and you would have thought I was trying to kill him. He's every bit as dramatic as his sister. At night the pressure really starts to bother him and he has troubles sleeping. He also has 4 teeth ready to bust through on the top and those two on the bottom keep peeking through and then disappearing. He's been eating lots of new foods lately - chicken and crackers, lots of finger foods. Despite how much he eats, he's still the smallest baby! This past weekend we were at a birthday party with 4 other babies, all younger than Nick (4-5 months old) and they were ALL bigger, longer and fatter than him. Such a difference from Marlee the moose at that age ;)

Nick tasting chicken

Now not only is he crawling, sitting unsupported, pushing to a sit, he's also pulling up and CLIMBING. Yikes. He is SUCH a boy. The other night I found him surfing on top of a pack of diapers. He also climbed the first few stairs in our family room. Leaving him on the floor is no longer safe and he is QUICK... we are shopping for good wall-mounted gates for our stairways. This is what he was doing as I was typing this update:

Nick climbing my leg

The most exciting thing to report is Nick's first words! He says "dada", "mama" and "hi". All at appropriate times! The other day I was making dinner and Nicky crawled across the kitchen, climbed up my leg and begged "Mama, Mama, Mama." I almost died. He also knows his Daddy and says "Dada" whenever he sees him.

He is also a pretty typical "little brother" who is constantly crawling all over Marlee and interfering with whatever she's doing like coloring, playing with her leapster etc. He picks on her and she teases him. As a matter of fact he's chasing her around the family room right now. Now he's kicking her in the head. LOL!! I love it.

Nick is currently in 6-9 month outfits. He will be in 9 month outfits in a month or so. See Nick's Christmas list for things he needs.

Marlee finished tumbling last week with a "recital night". She learned a lot and made some new friends. I can't wait to get her back into another class. It was a great experience for her.

Marlee has learned her alphabet thanks to her Leapster and Leapfrog letter factory video. She can spell her name, car, dog, cat. She can read and spell "Baby" and "Super" and is pretty good learning simple math. Everyone keeps asking me if I will be putting her in preschool but I don't know how to make it work unless preschool offers a bus service!!

Marlee this morning

All the MRSA stuff in the news has been upsetting lately. I had really hoped Marlee's infection had been a total fluke and wasn't something we had to worry about happening again. This morning I was watching CNN and more kids have died in the past week and more schools are closed and a doctor on the show called it a national epidemic. They said it will get worse and die out eventually. I guess the best part of all the coverage is hopefully people will be more aware.

Marlee is a size 5 and needs clothes for Christmas, dresses, pants, sweaters, leggings etc. See Marlee's Christmas List for things she's been asking for and things she needs.

US news:

We're hanging in there. 7+ months of no sleep, back-to-back illnesses and the constant busy schedule are trying to beat us down.

We still haven't gotten our new carpet. We've had absolutely NO time. We went car shopping last week for a SUV, but they didn't offer us much on our trade so it looks like we're sticking with my car for another year. I still love my car but more room with even better safety features would have been nice!

We painted some pumpkins and carved some pumpkins this afternoon. Trick or Treating is Wednesday. I'm super excited for the kids! I love Halloween!

Well laundry is calling and the kids are running wild.

Here's what's going on with our family in the upcoming weeks:

October 31st -

November 4th -
Packer's playdate at the Vest's

November 10th -
Spa day with Mom!
Sauk Prairie Annual Light Parade 6PM

November 29th -

I'm cataloging these updates
at this blog site, in case you
want to reference past updates:

So Much Mohr

Christmas Lists:


She needs dresses/pants/skirts and jeans in size 5.
She's asked for:

Barbie Rollerskates
Pilot Case - Overnight Bag
DVD: A Bug's Life
DVD: Leapfrog Learn to Read
Mattel Barbie 3-Story Dream House

Leapster: Clifford Reading

Marlee could use some leggings (not tights) and "comfy" pants for lounging around the house. PJ's!


12 month sleepers
12-18 month onsies
Matching shirts/pants outfits - long sleeve
toys: activity/teaching toys

Baby Piano

Dance Baby Dance! Classical Stacker

Learn and Groove Alphabet Drum

Nick could use some "cute" baby socks (wool, slippy, fuzzy) and cute PJ's!

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