Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Yesterday I finally called and made Nick some appts with a pediatric gastroentonologist (omg we just call it a GI) and a pediatric allergist. And after having him in to our family doctor so many times with no answers, it's time to go to UW. Nick still has so many digestive problems, with spitting up, gas pains and bloating, watery swollen eyes, congestion. He's also had several skin rashes in the last week that are unexplainable. He's starting to want to eat more foods himself and I have concerns about soy, wheat and peas. My concern is that he is so reactive to things in MY diet, how will be react when he actually eats these things for himself?

Nick sees the GI on November 27th for bloodwork. We're hoping for a RAST panel on milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish and nuts as well as peas, prunes, tomatos, berries, etc...It's also been suggested that we have him tested for celiac's disease (YIKES).

Nick will see the allergist January 7th, possibly for skin-prick testing. We really don't know until we find out more from the first appt. I've read that testing this early can be inaccurate.

We just switched him to a soy formula WITHOUT lipids (DHA and ARA) and he's been spitting up so much less. Though it's hard to say if it was the lipids or if he's just growing out of his reflux. Marlee outgrew her reflux at 8 months too.

Tim is interested in having Marlee tested as well. I'm holding off until I see how things go with Nick - But it seems we probably should have gone this route with Marlee a long time ago. The most we'd ever been able to get out of her doctor was a referral for a hydrogen breath test, which we skipped as it was for lactose intolerance and not an actual allergy. We do allow her to eat dairy but we probably shouldn't. She is still on rice/soy and WE do not serve dairy in our house but she's had access to it at friend's houses and daycare. She had a cheese quesadilla at a friend's house and that night had a rash on her bottom so bad she was crying.

It seems like much to handle but at this point I would rather be over-reacting than under reacting. I have been in contact with several friends who have BTDT with the testing and they assure me (as did the nurse) that the worst part is holding them down, not the actual blood draws or skin pricks. And that it is so much better to know so we can avoid a potentially serious reaction later on.
Still keep little Nick in your thoughts on the 27th :)

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