Monday, October 29, 2007

August 2007

Nick is 5 months old! He is starting to sleep a little better, some 3
hours at a time. A major improvement over the every 30 minutes he was
waking at the end of last week. He's been back on the Zantac for over
a week now, I contribute his sleep fully to the medication. He's
still a little wobbly when he sits, but getting stronger and more
independent every day! He's up on his knees rocking every day.

We started him on solids two weeks ago...a little cereal to see if he
was ready. Was he ever. He grabbed a piece of toast out of my mouth
and jammed it in his own. Now he's eating bananas, avocados, sweet
potatoes and all kinds of squash. He went swimming for the first time
this past weekend and he likes it.

If you're ever wondering what Nick could use, he never has enough
pajamas or footed body suits. He is a 6-9 mo.

Marlee is so grown up! She made all sorts of new friends this
weekend. She marched right up to them and said "Hi, I'm Marlee, like
my sandals, wanna play?" It was fun seeing her interact with other
kids her age. She needs to do that more often. She is learning simple
math and how to count to thirty. This age is so awesome. She was also
jumping into the pool unassisted - see here for some videos of her
jumping in.

The invites are out for Marlee's birthday, she is excited about the
ballet theme. She IS wearing a tutu and ballet shoes. All kids and
any adults are welcome to join in on the ballet/dance/princess gear.

I am waiting patiently for the class schedule to come out for the
local dance studio, to see if Marlee can make it into the ballet/tap/
jazz class for 4-5 year olds. Chances are she can't, I've been trying
to get her into this school for 2 years. Arg.... keep your fingers
crossed because I think she'd be really great.

If you're wondering what to get Marlee for her birthday, she could
use clothes in size 5, specifically khaki pants/cords/jeans/dresses.
She also would like an umbrella, princess dress, a rolling backpack/
small suitcase, a kids' tape measure and "tools", and a Leapster.
Just please no Polly Pockets!! I know how much she wants them but she
can play with them at daycare because I'm "allergic".

US news:

This past weekend we went camping as a family at MerryMac's and it
was a blast. We stayed in a cabin directly across from the playground
so Marlee got to go play on her own while we watched from the
campsite. We all went swimming in the outdoor pool, even Nick. It was
a fabulous time. Saturday night was a little scary, as security came
around at midnight to wake everyone up and tell them about the
incoming storm with 70 mph gale force winds. We barely made it out of
the campground on time. Trees fell on some campers but no one was
hurt. We spent the night at home and made it back to the campground
the next morning for breakfast and another round in the pool.

We got a new driveway to the garage/shop. It's huge, but really nice
to have. Less lawn to mow too.

In other news, we've sold our jetskiies. It's very sad. BUT, we were
able to pay off the student loans and buy a family sized boat. We can
seat 7, so come on down and we'll go out! Nick and Marlee are both
really good on the boat so we'll have a lot more fun together in the
summers to come.

Here's what's going on with our family in the upcoming weeks:
August 18th - we have plans with Kerstin and Scott and the kids
Labor Day Weekend - our anniversary -
September 15th - Marlee's 4th Birthday Party!
September 23rd - Kaitlyn's party

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