Tuesday, June 3, 2008


updated May 20th, 2008 at 12:22pm

I had a hard time finding the motivation to update this month. Not sure if anyone even reads this anymore? If you do, I'm sorry it's been so long since the last update. If you missed last month please check here for the past updates.
Much has happened since I last updated! So much for Spring.
It feels cold like fall but we're busy like summer.
So I updated last month but never sent out a reminder. Now it's June. And June is busy. Very busy. We are camping with the kids at the end of the week. Tim leaves for the Power Tour in Rochester in a little less than 2 weeks. It's finally getting nicer out and I was able to get all my flower beds done and looking nice.

Pictures of the kids

Click on the photo below to see all the pictures from April and May.

April Share
May Share

Make sure you click "Download this photo" or right-click, save as
if you want to save any of them for yourself.

Kiddo news:

Nick is talking up a storm. He currently says about 20 words or so and picks up new things every day. The cutest thing he does is imitate sneezes. After someone sneezes he giggles and yells "Achoo! Achoo!" Sneezing is very funny in our house.
His current vocab is:
8 months – Mama, Dad-Tee
11 monhs – Marlee (Ma-eee)
12 months – Hi, Boom, Yummy, Done, Boo! Bye
13 months – no, owie, oh-ooh (oh-oh), whoah, MOM, DAAAD, All done (first sentence same as Marlee’s!)
14 months - I got ya, achoo, danku (thank you), up, down, Baba (bottle) ta-da, wow, ball, wow, cheese (eeeeeeehse when taking a picture)
Signs: All done and Eat.

He doesn't sign as much as Marlee used to and I think he's rather frustrated with communication in general. His favorite form of communication is still a gigantic screaming meltdown. Though they are becoming fewer and farther between. There have actually been several days in the last few weeks where has has not cried at all or hardly cried. It's something to note!
Nick is seeing an Occupational Therapist every two weeks at our house. He really loves the OT and spends a lot of time engaging her and playing with her.
He has an appt next month for his 15 month checkup. We still haven't vaccinated him and are planning to wait until he is 2 or 3 to catch him up totally.
Nick's sleeping is still a mystery. He slept through the night for the first time when he was 13 months old. He continued to do this for 6 or 7 nights, then began teething the first of 8 teeth and was waking up miserable every few hours. Now, he's back to his old self - waking and eating. Two of the 8 teeth have come through. He is still working on massive molars. The OT seems to think he is still not eating enough during the day to get through the night, despite our every attempts to offer and fill him up. It is something we will be working on in the next few months. I tried to wean him off his reflux meds but he got all urpy and uncomfortable again so I refilled it. Maybe next month!

June: Nick has been all smiles lately. Less tantrums, less fidgety, less crying. Almost NO crying! He's also been much more accepting of people and situations, acting less clingy and anxious. I think OT has a lot to do with his transformation. He seems to be enjoying life! He loves to play outside and LOVES to be on the boat. He is SO well behaved. He sits still while we're cruising around (probably because his life vest makes it impossible to move) and plays well on the floor when we stop.

The other day he fell asleep on the floor in the family room and stayed sleeping there for over two hours.He ended up having a fever and being really sick for a few hours so it was just a fluke (he's teething a gigantic molar right now).

We took Nick and Marlee to a pool party this past weekend and they both had a great time. The water was only 65 degrees but both kids got in the water - Nick for 30 seconds. Last night Nick ate CHEESE for the first time. And he lived. No rashes, no diarrhea, and no eczema flare ups. Hopefully this means I can start feeding him yogurt or cheese in small amounts - you never realize how simple and convenient dairy is as a snack or diet until you can't use it. :)

Also, last night in the grocery store, a lady told me "Well isn't he a happy boy!" Nick was waving and saying hi to everyone in the store. It seems sort of insignificant but no one has said that about him before. He's noticeably happy. :) He has developed a very funny personality - he's a joker.

Nick is currently in 12 month outfits. He's 30" long / 20lbs.

Marlee is going to be a model! Our friend Belinda asked if she could shoot her for the cover of her company's catalog. Marlee wants to be America's Next Top Model. The photo shoot will be around June 18th. I'm very excited for her!
Marlee is so independent. She is always playing alone in her room now with her Barbies and dolls and cars. She plays very well but I miss her bugging me around the house and Nick is mad because he can't play in her room. She's also always driving her Jeep around the house and her bike. She's gotten very good at bike riding. Good enough that we are looking for a bigger bike to get her for her birthday. Her current bike is a little too small but the next size up is a little too big. Hopefully she will grow by then. She wants to have a "WonderWoman" themed birthday this year. I think we will go with a general "SuperHero" theme. Come dressed as your favorite super hero!! Marlee is a great big sister and is always taking care of Nick. She's a natural.

June: Marlee decided on a Hello Kitty theme for her birthday and can't wait to have all her friends over to help celebrate. She also loves boating and swimming. It seems like there's not that much to say about her, but Marlee is a very smart and well behaved little girl. She's just as dramatic as she always has been. She's more involved with her barbies and dolls than us lately. She keeps asking for this toy for her birthday and we have to laugh because she says it's called Braid n Fig. Supposedly it's a Barbie that you can both color and braid her hair with some tool... but try Googling Braid n Fig Barbie. I still laugh about all the thing she says incorrectly and don't bother to correct her because I'll miss them too much when she learns to say it right - just like Bish.

July will bring registration for 4K Kindergarten and soccer registration - this is the first year Marlee is eligible to play, if she's interested. Marlee also has her second dentist appt next month, and her photo shoot is this month.

Marlee is a size 5. She's 39" tall and 41 lbs.

US news:

We have been very busy! We took the kids to Milwaukee and drove around on the Milwaukee Speedway racetrack. It was nerve-wracking at first but very fun. They enjoyed it. We've also started car-show season and almost every weekend have something fun to do with the kids. We like carshows because they are great family activities and a good excuse to strap the kids in the stroller and get outside. This past weekend we went to the show in the Dells which was a lot of fun. The previous weekend (mother's day) we took the kids mini-golfing and walked around the Dells strip. The kids played in a fountain and ate funnel cake - it's so nice not having to be SO careful about what Nick eats.

June: This weekend we are going camping at Merry Mac's . We've been there several times before but a new manager took over and remodeled the place, so it's like the Chucky Cheese of camping now. Marlee is so excited and is making us count down the days (How many days far away is it now, muma? LOL)

This past weekend we went to a pool party at a friend's house. The water was freezing and the place was packed, but both kids had a blast. Nick was super well-behaved and even went in the pool for a few seconds. Marlee took a few minutes to be convinced to swim, but she got in and stayed in the pool until she had hypothermia, was blue and shivering and had to be dragged out. We spent a lot of weekend and week nights out in the boat - which both kids love and are really good while we're getting in, cruising, sitting and even when we're pulling out. Our summer will consist of much of the same: boating, car shows and camping.

Hope this finds everyone well and happy!

Love you!

Sam, Tim Marlee and Nicholas

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