Wednesday, February 6, 2008


updated February 6th, 2007 at 9:22pm

January was a huge month. The kids both had some big things happen and we started remodeling. If you didn't catch the video of Nick's first first steps, see below.

NEW VIDEO - Nick's first steps!

January Pictures of the kids

January share

Make sure you click "Download this photo" or right-click, save as
if you want to save any of them for yourself.

Kiddo news:

Nick started walking at the beginning of January. He's gone from wobbly walking to running almost overnight. He's still pretty clumsy so he has lots of bumps and bruises these days. In the past few days he's been talking a lot. He says Mama and Daddy and a few random imitations of words.

We finally figured out his diet, his medications and he's been like a different baby. His diet is limited to just sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, turkey, green beans and pasta. He's off of the Prevacid and back on the Zantac twice a day. He's also been sleeping a lot better too. He still wakes every few hours to eat, though. But this is the first predictable sleep schedule he's had since he was born.

Last night was Nick's first weight check since his last appt. Seems like the diet modification and meds are working - he's up to 21 lbs!!!! In the waiting room I set Nick down on the floor. He saw a few kids playing in the toy area and walked over to start playing with them. It was pretty cool - it was the first time he's voluntarily left my side in a public place.

Nick's new doctor is pretty cool. She said that we have to keep feeding Nick when he wakes at night even though he's waking 4-5 times and that's not typical for a baby his age. She said we just have to encourage him to eat more during the day but until then he is getting the majority of his nutrition at night. We're now supposed to feed him three large meals a day and two snacks, instead of letting him snack throughout the day (which is how we feed Marlee) so that will be a hard one to change. We're supposed to keep him nursing and on formula and on his medications until he's at least 15 months. She suggested we get in to do the RAST testing as soon as possible after his first birthday - which is rapidly approaching! I have to schedule his 1 year doctor appt, photo appt and his allergy appt.

Nick is currently in 9-12 month outfits. He's 29" long / 21lbs.

Marlee has reached the "otherside" of 4 years old - everyone told us 4 was hard but 4.5 was better and it's true. She's been very sincere and polite these days. She's had an eventful month as well: She saw the dentist for the first time and is learning to read! She was very good at the dentist. The hygienist Hannah counted her teeth and polished them with grape toothpaste and the dentist checked all her teeth over and said they were beautiful and perfect. They both commented on how "gappy" they were and said they love to see that - means no crowding when her adult teeth come in. She needed no scraping and no x-rays. The dentist said she was an excellent patient. Now she goes every 6 months just like us.
dentist and baking 1/15/08
Since getting her Leapster Marlee's been learning to read 3 and 4 letter words by recognition and sounding it out. She can at least attempt to sound out any word on sight. I took her grocery shopping and standing under a sign she started sounding out "Bread" and "Meats". That was pretty exciting for both of us.

As for Ice Skating... that was a huge disappointment. We showed up at the rink for registration only to find out that the director of the program flaked out and someone new was running it now, but class was already full and we wouldn't be able to participate until next October. Marlee is more excited about skating than ever, but now she wants to play HOCKEY instead of just figure skating. I was impressed that my "girly girl" wanted to do something so physical and aggressive! I definitely can't wait till October to see how she does in skates.

Tumbling registration is coming up next week and Marlee is excited to take the class again. Hopefully she'll be in class with some of the girls who took it last time.

Marlee is a size 5. She's 39" tall and 35 lbs.

US news:

Tim started working on a remodeling project in our family room. He tore down the walls of the bathroom and laundry closet and will be building it into one room. Hard to describe so I'll let the pictures do most of the talking. The big things that need to get done is tiling the bathroom floor, building the walls and getting the new carpet in the family room. We ordered the carpet and it should be installed in 4 weeks - doesn't give us much time before Nick's party. The kids have been cordoned off to the living room. Nick is all out of sorts and for the first week he just walked around and cried all day. Now he's getting used to playing in a smaller area. The kids are destroying my upstairs living room. And I can't wait to have my "space" back. I hate remodeling projects!

In the meantime I am just preparing as much as possible for Nick's party and trying to get my spring cleaning done too. Tim's 30th birthday is coming up and I keep trying to plan something for him but he's not being very cooperative. I guess if something comes up I'll let you know.

Love you!

Sam, Tim Marlee and Nicholas

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