Monday, March 17, 2008


updated March 17th, 2007 at 3:22pm

February was already the busiest month of the year. As was the first few weeks of March. Pay attention to the updates - there are a lot of them!

NEW VIDEO - Nicky's First Year!

Pictures of the kids

Click on the photo below to see all the pictures from February:

February Share

Make sure you click "Download this photo" or right-click, save as
if you want to save any of them for yourself.

Kiddo news:

Nick enjoyed his birthday party! He had a great day and loves all his gifts. The day after his party we went to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese and he had a great time there also. He's definitely getting more comfortable around people. Nick had his allergy testing on March 11.

He showed no antibodies to dairy!

However I am still confused on some issues. The doc didn't really tell me much other than it was negative. He said to wait a few months to intro dairy because they can still have gastro reactions with a negative result. He said he may just need a little more time and to work with the GI on the other issues with fruit etc. He tested him for grains and the only one that was "borderline" was oats. He thinks he just needs more time on that one.

I'm still so confused about the actual testing though...the doctor was like "this is a 2, this is a 2, this is a 0.4, this is a 6 or 7" and I don't really know what was what. He just told me dairy had no antibodies and I was thrilled - however skeptical. He told me I do NOT have to limit dairy in my diet. I asked a fellow "allergy mom" what to think and here is her response: "

Originally Posted by CMT
As others have said, the skin tests (and the blood tests) are NOT even close to 100 percent accurate in kids. Not all allergies are IgE mediated - and frequently those with GI reactions don't have IgE mediated allergies (e.g., eosinophilic disorders).

Other things I'd be pushing for testing on would include celiac disease and CF.
I'd think you'd want a GI and allergist working in concert to figure out whether there are eosinophilic issues. Otherwise, it's just a matter of avoidance and occasional trials to see if things are improving . . . . "

Something strange happened during the testing, they pricked him three times the first time for diary, something else , and control (histimine) and then left for 15 minutes and came back to check the test spots. All along his spine along the waistband of his pants there was a line of hives! The doctor freaked out because they couldn't figure out why it happened. I told them he just has really reactive skin and always has. AND I completely forgot to tell them about the peanut butter reaction though... stupid!!!

Right now Nick has the flu, diaper rash and is teething something awful. He hasn't been sleeping well (which is even worse than normal). He's been getting really high fevers and not eating very much. Poor guy.

Nick is currently in 12 month outfits. He's 29" long / 21lbs.

Marlee has some very exciting news:
She is going to 4 year old kindergarten this year! I got a pamphlet in the mail. There is a 4 year old program in our district that runs Monday-Friday 8:05am - 10:35am. It's strictly for 4 year olds. She'll be picked up at Sheila's and dropped off there when she's done. I am VERY happy that she has the opportunity to go to school this year because she's so eager to learn. She's already reading and does math (without a calculator)! She read her first book the other day. I got her some learn to read book sets and she made it through the 2nd book of the first set. "Dot has a dog." was her first sentence. :)
She asked me if I would be able to ride the bus with her :( She's a little anxious about that part, but her friend from daycare, Barrett is also going, so they can ride the bus together and she already has a friend at school that way. EXCITING.
We're on sick watch for Marlee - hoping she doesn't get what Nick and I have.

Marlee is a size 5. She's 39" tall and 35 lbs.

US news:

Tim 's 30th birthday is this Friday. We're planning to spend a weekend at Chula Vista to celebrate (sometime in the next month) so if anyone is available to either stay with or keep the kids, please let me know so we can start planning. We haven't picked a date!

share remodel

IThe latest remodel pictures are up. So far everything is mostly done. The bathroom still needs to be trimmed out but otherwise everything came together just in time for Nick's party. THANK YOU for everyone's help for the party - it went over very well.

Right now I am dying of the flu. I'm at work today but still really dizzy and spacey and tired of being sick all the time. Some immune function would really be appreciated. WARM WEATHER will probably help!

Tim is planning on going on the Power Tour again this year in June. It ends in Madison so he and Craig and Chris will be driving Iowa or somewhere to "jump on" a few days before the end of the tour.

Hope to see you all for Easter!

Here's what's going on with our family in the upcoming weeks:

March 21st:
Tim's 30th Birthday

March 28th:
Nick's 1 year check up

These updates are cataloged
at this blog site, in case you
want to reference past updates:

So Much Mohr

Pictures of Nick's birthday:

Nick 1st Birthday