Friday, August 27, 2010

Catching up - 2009 and 2010

>March 2009

According to Nicholas, the magic word is 'cake'.

March 20, 2009

I guess we're not doing 2 year pics since Tim just chased Nick into a wall. Doh!

March 24, 2009

April 2009

I hope I don't have to deal with "No Wike It Bed" tonight.

April 6, 2009

Marlee is waitin on the tooth fairy!

April 20, 2009

I formatted my old iPod for Marlee, and I'm amazed this little kid has way over 2g of her OWN music. And it nearly killed me to have to download that new Miley Cyrus song. Seriously barf.

April 24, 2009

The power went out just as I was getting out of bed this morning. I hear Marlee yell, "Mom, our house needs new batteries!"Top of Form

April 27, 2009

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We had a rough night... Nick popped a really high fever/chills and in my stupor I figured he had swine flu. Top of Form

April 29, 2009

May 2009

"I wub it diaper! I wike it dirty!" Give you three guesses what that was about. Top of Form

May 1, 2009

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I hear someone yelling,"He's kicking my eyes!" Time to rescue older sister from demon brother. Top of Form

May 2, 2009

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Nick is singing "Crying" (TV on the radio) - man I love this kid!

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May 24, 2009

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June 2009

I am finally sitting down after a long, busy, fun-filled day - the kind of fun where you take the sleeping kids from the backseat and drop them in their beds and tip-toe out of the room. I can't believe it worked either. Top of Form

June 7, 2009

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July 2009

I am waiting for Marlee to pull out her 2nd tooth. She's being very dramatic - it's literally hanging out of her mouth. Get it over with already! :) Top of Form

July 5

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Marlee lost her 2nd tooth!

I am so over getting hit and told no by a two year old. Is it too late to consider adoption? Top of Form

July 22, 2009

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August 2009

I can’t help laughing at Marlee Lou; apparently today is the best day of her life. Why? She got to see a dump truck dump a load of gravel in our backyard. I love how easy to please she is. Top of Form

August 13, 2009

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September 2009

I put my baby on the bus for kindergarten, my mother in law is having surgery today (prayers!) and it's our 8th wedding anniversary (15 years) - this day is major. Top of Form

September 1, 2009

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First week of school = a cold virus. Second week of school = tummy bug/throwing up. This is going to be a LONG year if it keeps up. Top of Form

September 10, 2009

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I have a scheduling conflict. I can’t be sick until 7pm. I have kindergarten homework to do. Top of Form

September 14, 2009

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Nicholas asked for water this morning. I had already poured him a cup of milk so I just set it down in front of him. He takes a big gulp, sets it down and says "Dammit Mama, I have milk in dis cup!" Top of Form

September 17, 2009

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Happy 6th Birthday to my "baby" Marlee! Top of Form

September 18, 2009

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October 2009

According to Nicholas, I'm going to jail because I was "naughty at him" for not letting him play playdoh. True story, I found moon sand from Craig Winkelhorst all over my couch and carpet and told Nick that's not how we play with it. Top of Form

October 9, 2009

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Reading to her baby brother in his new bed

I am waiting to hear back from the doc... our daycare has h1n1 and Nicholas has a fever. Top of Form

October 21, 2009

Nicky has H1N1.

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I wonder why I bother to send the kids out to play if they are just going to come to the door every 30 seconds anyway. Top of Form

October 25, 2009

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I think I will cry the day Nick stops calling it "opi-meal" and starts asking for oatmeal. Top of Form

October 27, 2009

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November 2009

Last night Nick was throwing a huge tantrum. We were all tired of hearing it. Then I hear Marlee say, "That's it. I'm going to go do Math!" She stomped off to the kitchen, pulled out a workbook and started doing math. How's THAT for a tantrum? And how did they end up with such polar opposites? Top of Form

November 10, 2009

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I think the "Be quiet and eat your food" monster is BRILLIANT. Top of Form

November 16, 2009

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I am making Marlee's class brownies for their Thanksgiving feast. Because the Pilgrims totally had brownies, right? Top of Form

November 24, 2009

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December 2009

Spike Jr., the dinosaur was THE BEST gift ever until I pushed the button on his back and sent Nicholas screeching into the other room. Poor Nicholas... guess I'll take the batteries out. Top of Form

December 25, 2009

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I was playing tetris and literally just heard Marlee say to Nicky: “Do you want to smell my feet? You have to give me one of your marshmallows.” and what’s worse? HE DID. Top of Form

December 27, 2009

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January 2010

I asked the kids what they wanted for dinner. Nicholas says "Steak and broccoli." Marlee says "I agree. Grilled steak, broccoli and potatoes." Nick says "I want shrimp too!"... Ok, kids? I was thinking more along the lines of chicken nuggets and fries. Darn their expensive tastes. Top of Form

January 19

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My two year old just said, "Mommy I peed all over the fricken bathroom!" I was laughing so hard I couldn't even be mad about the 5 foot stream I had to clean up. Parenting Fail. Top of Form

January 21

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February 2010

The kids are playing Star Wars. Marlee is "Dark Vader"'s girlfriend. Her and "Adakin" are defeating the enemies with Light "Savers". My kids are full of awesome. Top of Form

February 14

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Today Tim called Nicholas a "little Olympian". Nicholas turned around and yelled "I not Olympian! I Nickus! Don't you know me!?! Top of Form

February 22

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March 2010

I am pretending I don't see Nicholas in the hopes that maybe he'll give up and go back to bed. Top of Form

March 1

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Marlee just watched a shampoo commercial and said, "I'm not going to end up like one of THOSE girls. I'm going to be just like you." I said, "What's wrong with those girls?" She says, "They're so THIN and they talk like they are beautiful!" Ahhh, children are too damned honest.

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March 4

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Someone turned 3 years old!

I was enjoying an early morning cuddle with my brandnew 3 year old, who gifted me with a fart and then said "That fart for you." Ahhh, boys.

March 13

Shamrock shakes and Devil's Lake - spring tradition with the kids!

March 16

April 2010

What a mess! Marlee got on the wrong bus this morning heading toward another school out of town. Tim tells me that the driver was "creepy" and there were no other kids on the bus. Holy Parental Freakout. Tim called the bus company and they eventually brought her back to her school, so thankfully she's safe. Top of Form

April 5

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Nick and Marlee are pretending to be brother and sister. I don't know how different that is from actually being brother and sister, but uh, they're having fun with it, so? Top of Form

April 24

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May 2010

Tonight I am having a slumber party with my two favorite peeps. Monsters Inc, Pizza, Popcorn and Brownies. The simple life has never been so good! Top of Form

May 1

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We played an intense and competitive game of Hide and Seek with the kids in the backyard for 2 hours. I'm pretty sure all our neighbors think we're nuts.

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May 5

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Wishing Marlee tons of luck on her first triathlon today! Top of Form

May 8

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Marlee and the neighbor kid are driving around the backyard in a mini Escalade. Nicholas is in the backseat with a plastic bazooka, yelling “I shootin’, Mama!” Summer is going to be... interesting.... this year.

Marlee just ran through the sprinkler and yelled "Ow! My weiner!" I think it's time to stop hanging with the neighbor boys. Top of Form

May 24

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June 2010

There comes a time in your life when your kids reach a certain age, that you really start to get hopeful that maybe, just maybe, you'll never have to scrub poop out of anything ever again. You will be wrong. Top of Form

June 10

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I went in to check on Nicholas one night and found him sprawled out in his bed, with his underwear and PJ pants on both inside out and backwards. He had a different colored slipper on each and a Super Woman boot cover on one leg. This boy is party, party, party all the time.

One day Nick woke up and insisted to go to daycare dressed as a "vamfire". So we let him.

He was very serious about his vamfire walk. Did you know vamfires don't hold their dad's hand on the way to daycare? It's true.

Nick played a song for me on the guitar last night called Apples, Bananas and Fruit... he holds the guitar like a cello and plays better than me. He told me when he grows up, he wants to be "Dat guy on da iPod." I think he's off to a great start. Top of Form

June 22

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July 2010

I told Nicholas to get in the bathtub, and he says to me "Trust me, I am NOT going in there." Is he 3, or 13? I can't tell. Top of Form

July 3

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Fireworks in Sauk City with Kadin, Mike and Craig July 4th 2010

I was flossing Marlee's teeth and one of them just randomly popped out of her mouth, scaring both of us in the process. Guess the Tooth Fairy's coming tonight. Top of Form

July 8

Marlee was mad at me for some reason. I found this sign on her door one morning. Nobody! Come In!

If your sister won't play board games with you, ask the cat.

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August 2010

Seconds after yelling at Marlee to watch her little mouth, I hear her say, "Get off me! I'm not a donkey!" This is not a clue about our home life, I swear.

August 26

Marlee got stung by a bee yesterday, and Tim went on an hour-long bee hunt/killing spree as revenge. I pity the boys of the world, if one of you ever breaks her heart, you'll answer to her daddy. Top of Form

August 16

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